Still trying to make the feed work. This is a lot more hassle that I was expecting.
New guest coming in next week - sax man and dragster owner Pete Christlieb. We play together in the Monktet and other bands. He's got a great band with his wife, trombonist Linda Small - the Tall and Small Band - and a new CD to plug, so I'm looking forward to it.
The show with Ron Anthony and Barry Zweig will record later in the month as travel plans got in the way, but I'm going to try to do a show in that slot next week with another guest. Watch for the deets about that.
But wait - there's more news. Here's the line-up of shows for the next couple of weeks. These are days we're recording. I'll post to this sit ASAP and have the feed up in iTunes, by, I dunno; maybe late 2013. Still don't know what the problem is with the feed. Feedburner is not working out; I may switch hosts. If anyone really knows RSS and want to help with this, email me: