
Afterbeat #17 - Bob Summers

So, Summers and I were on the way home from a very nice gig and I asked him to be on the podcast. He graciously agreed (as soon as I explained what a "podcast" is) and showed up a few days later for a great talk, even as he suffered through a cold. He's really one of the nicest guys in town, gentle and self-effacing, and I'm sure he'd agree, kinda "old school" in the best sense. He's also a superb jazz player and a great technical trumpet player. His resume includes all the big bands you'd want to hear, notably the Basie band - not the easiest gig to get or hold onto once you have it - studio work, small bands, a little jazz ed., some composing.   Spend an hour or so with this gentleman of jazz; it's time well spent.


Afterbeat #17

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